Major Products & Services

Product Dimension

Smart Sales

Sales & Distribution Automation, Field Force Management, Merchandising.

Smart ERP / HRM

Enterprise Resource Planning and Human resource management system.

Smart Bank

Complete Bank automation: Cx 360, Liability / Asset Ops Workflow.

Smart Activity

Digitize any enterprise process in most agile way and ensure greater efficiency & optimization.

Smart Analytics

Statistical and Machine Learning based predictive, simulation, what if and other models.

Smart Robotics

RPA based solution to replace repeated human tasks to improve efficiency and reduce cost.

GoB Project Dimension


Web based Target & Performance Management Application with Android and IoS mobile app.


Digital database and Archive System for NEC-ECNEC to track overall project and to provide answer to National Assembly & others


Developed modules like, GRP Core & Common, PMM, Meeting, Audit, Android & IoS mobile app under subcontract.

Service Dimension



Offshore Project Outsourcing, IoT Based People counter and heat Map

Resource Implant

Project basis / Manday basis resource deployment for service operation.


Security Surveillance

Project basis security devices implement as complete solution. Any kind of Security Camera / Devices is available